Project Details


Girls Domitory Project


This was a five years’ project (2009-2014) which was implemented in Kilolo district, Iringa Region and Mbulu district in Manyara Region. The project goal was to reduce gender disparities in the enrolment, retention and performance of children in secondary schools.

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The project main outcomes included increased community awareness on the importance of girl education in 30 secondary schools (15 in each district); increased safety of school girls; and improved learning environment for 9600 girls.

Some of key project interventions included formation and support of 30 girls clubs (1 club in each school); training of school Boards, Ward Development Committees, and the District Councils on inclusion of girls in education and gender responsive budgeting; training school boards on their roles and responsibilities particularly in relation to the promotion of girl education; mentoring communities in developing girl safety action plans including supporting communities in constructing 30 girls hostels; and train female teachers as matrons/dormitory supervisors.



Since 2009, CASEE in collaboration with different stakeholders and development partners has been implementing girl education projects in various parts of Tanzania. Kimnyaki secondary school is one of the schools that have benefited from projects implemented by CASEE. Some of interventions which have been carried by CASEE at Kimnyaki secondary school includes provision of life skills education, HIV and AIDS awareness, and provision of Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) education. Beneficiaries of these interventions are both boys’ and girls’ students. The formation of school health. In addition, CASEE in collaboration with the school management managed to form a school health club. Through school health club the project managed to empower many students by providing education and awareness on various health related issues.


Like many public secondary schools, Kimnyaki also faced a number of challenges which affected learning and teaching environment. One of the major challenge was inadequate toilets for both boys and girls. Before construction of the new toilet, the ratio between pit hole and girls’ students was 1: 60 girls. This was against the government recommended standard of 1:20. Therefore, the construction of new girls’ toilet with 10 pit holes to some extent reduced the ratio which became 1:40 girls, however the required standard is not achieved.



CASEE in collaboration with different stakeholders and development partners has been implementing girl education project in Kilolo district from 2009. Uhambingeto secondary school is one of the schools that have benefited from projects implemented by the CASEE through the support from different funders. This included mobilization and provision of support to Uhambingeto community which enabled construction of two girl dormitories. The two dormitories accommodate more than 100 girls to date.


Naseem Manji Education Trust is one of the stakeholders that have significantly contributed to the improvement of girl education in the school. The latest support from the trust to the school was completion of bathrooms and toilets adjacent to two girls’ dormitories. The new toilets and bathrooms have the capacity of serving 120 girls as per the Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MOEST) standards.

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